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January 2025 Newsletter


January 2025 NEWSLETTER 

Check out our Brand New Millie 

on a Deluxe Comfort Table!

Also come and test drive our new Ellie in the classroom! Ellie is our 18" longarm on a 5' standup halo table! 
Perfect for those quilters with a small space!


 Remember that you can rent any of our long arms, just call the shop to get on the rental calendar!

New Rental Discount...if you are a current renter at Cuppa Tea, you can now earn some "quilters cash" towards the purchase of a new APQS machine!  (Up to $1500)
Ask Teresa for the details.
Did you know that we have an exclusive sale during our open sews for all attendees?  You must be actively sewing, ripping, ironing, cutting, piecing, or measuring to participate!
Discount Drawings will be held at noon on every open sew day...check out one or all of these available dates!
January 4, 6, 15, 23, & 28
Join us for our 3rd annual
New Years Day Mystery Sew Along
Doors open at clues on YouTube start at 8am. 
Come and sew in your pjs with us!
 Bring a dish to share...we will have soup, hot chai tea and
apple cider to keep you sewing all day!
See below for the fabric requirements and cutting directions. 
(Join the Facebook group from Stitchin Heaven to participate)
Cuppa Tea Calendar
We still have a few kits left for this adorable Christmas quilt...
get a jump start on next year's gifts!
Do you love Mystery Quilts?
if so, or maybe you have no clue what a mystery quilt is...join us at the end of every month for the Wandering Grace mystery!
This project just takes three fabrics...a dark, a medium, and a light background fabric.
See the directions below for the first month.
Join us on January 31st and join in on the fun!
$25 for the first month, then every month after that is free
 if you show up with your previous month's clue completed!
Wednesday, Jan 8th
There are a few kits left for this GORGEOUS project. 
Features the Robin Ruth Skinny ruler...
this is NOT a paper pieced project...
these Mariner's Compass blocks
are made from strips...join us to learn how!  

Trail Mix Sew along
January 16,  10am-4pm, with instructor, Diana Simkins... $25
Bring your scraps and prepare to make a gorgeous quilt.  This is a free pattern from All People Quilt.  Click on the link to print yourself a copy.  Diana will show you her gorgeous quilt and show you how to make each of the blocks that you will need.
Trail Mix Pattern

New Monthly Class

Pillow Wraps!
Purchase a kit for $48...kit includes everything but the stuffing!  
January 2nd we will make the Valentines pillow.
 In February, we will make the St. Patty's Day pillow...get the idea?  
Call the shop to sign up and reserve your kit.
 Class is free with kit purchase.  
Monday-Friday 10-4pm
Saturdays 10-2
closed on Sundays

5609 Hwy Two, Priest River, Idaho

Cuppa Tea


Find us in beautiful Priest River, Idaho!

Shop Hours
Mon-Fri: 10am-4pm