November 2023 Newsletter

November 2023 NEWSLETTER
Stoneridge Retreat Dates: 2024
February 5-8 (FULL...wait list has started)
new date** March 4-7
April 28-May 2...three spots remaining
October 28-31...several spots left!
Cost of each retreat is $275, this does NOT include food...we will be arranging meals one month prior to your respective retreat. We will keep it simple...soups, salad and bread sticks, crockpot dinners, casseroles prepared ahead of time...simply sign up for what you would like to bring. Each room has its own kitchen so meal prep or cooking will be easy! Call Teresa at the shop to sign up!
It's time for your Holiday projects...
Have you gotten started on your holiday projects? We have several panels left in stock. We also have some brand new patterns that will show you some fun options to make that panel shine!
Quilts make great gifts...come in and quilt it up on one of our
APQS long arm machines!

Cuppa Tea is the FIRST shop to feature these adorable Santa's!
Remember...All classes are $25...
You must pay for the class when you sign up.
All class supplies are always 15% off!
Click the calendar link above to sign up online!
We currently have two shop machines for sale...2018 Lenni, $9000...10' standard table frame with bliss and red snappers. This is our main rental machine...
2023 Larry, $8000...also on a 10' standard frame...this is a demo machine (nearly brand new). Larry is a stellar little long arm with an 18" throat...