First off...I would like to welcome the new "Cuppa Tea Quilters" who joined us from the ASG Shop Hop! I had 248 visitors during the three-day event which resulted in my best sales days since I have been in business! The tea cups were a big success and I have plenty left over to share with my Who Let the Girls Out event coming up on May 18th!
This has been a busy spring so far! Quilt Shows, Shop Hops, Quilt Retreats...pretty soon it will be time for the Row x Row event! I guess I better get started on the design that has been floating around my head for the past couple of months!
Don't forget to check out the display for the High Country Crossing Quilt. This sample is on loan until mid-May, so make sure you check it out. Lots of new fabric and flat folds in colors to create this gorgeous western quilt. <<>>
The May Block Swap is the Bright Log Cabin block. The center is made up of any yellow (solid or tone on tone). The "light side" is made up of whites and ivory prints or solids. The "dark side" can be any bright color...pinks, purples, greens, orange. Come in and see the samples and grab your free pattern. So far there have only been a handful of blocks turned in... The drawing will be held on May 10! Look for my awkward Facebook video to see if you are a winner! Remember, every block you turn in earns your name in the jar to possibly win all the blocks!
Send me an email if you would like me to email you the pattern.
<<>> The Chewelah Quilt Show will be held on Saturday and Sunday of Memorial Day weekend at the Jenkins Senior high school. 702 E. Lincoln Street, Chewelah. Admission is $5. The shop will be closed at noon on May 24 and all day May 25 in order for me to be at the show. I hope to see you there, it's a beautiful small town show!
Come and sew with some new quilty friends for an OPEN SEW!! Every month...the third Wednesday of the month. May 15, June 19, and July 17...all day from 10-5. Spaces are limited so call to reserve your spot. This would be a fabulous time to try out the new Batik Painting Wall Hanging Station!
Upcoming Events:
WHO LET THE GIRLS OUT...May 18, 2019 Get your passports stamped and win a $100 gift certificate!
MUSE REVEAL...Monday, June 3 from 3:30-5:30pm. Come and see the gorgeous quilt tops from our three month BOM project. Open to anyone who participated in the Goddess Tool project, or who would like to participate in the next one starting in the fall. Snacks and wine will be served! Please RSVP to Teresa (509) 370-5123 or send me a quick email if you can bring a snack to share.
Tumbler Table Runner Class...June 13, 3-5pm. See the shop sample in the hallway, made with the Creative Grids Double Strip ruler.
Barn Quilt as you go Table Topper... May 6, May 20, June 3, and June 10 all from 12-2. You can also choose a Wednesday evening class, May 8, May 22, June 5 & June 12 from 4-6pm. This is a four part class with homework assignments (which is why the classes are spread out). Three teachers will teach applique techniques, quilting techniques, and how to connect quilted blocks together to create a table runner or a four block table topper.
Moda Love Charm Quilt...May 29, from 3:30-5:30pm. Bring your favorite pack of charm squares (42-5” squares) and 3/4 yard of background fabric. You will be cutting your background fabric into 5” squares (18 of them) and 4 ½” squares (16 of them).
Layer Cake throw Class...Tuesday, May 21 from 2-4pm. Bring in that layer cake you purchased but haven't opened yet! Flannels are fabulous for this simple beginner pattern.
Coming in July...quilt your own Apron on the long arm...Just select one yard of fabric and let the computer quilt your apron!
Current Shop Hours Tuesdays 1:30-5:30pm, Wednesday through Friday 10-5:30pm, Saturday 10-4pm Mondays by appointment (reserved for classes, renters, and machine service calls!)